How Can I Develop a Positive Attitude?

There’s a saying I grew up with as a child: “Ungrateful worse than obeah.”
It means that living in a state of ingratitude for life, your situation, your circumstances is going to keep you locked into your difficulties…

It doesn’t mean that we never complained but whenever we did the elders would remind us to snap out of it with this proverb. Otherwise we were creating more difficulties for ourselves. And we quickly learned from this wise saying. I know I certainly did.

There’s a story about an enchanted forest and the animals around it. A wise old owl stood as the gatekeeper to this forest. It was a place that many animals dreamed of.

It was magical and beautiful with lots of water, thick lush foliage. Word had spread through the animal kingdom that life was beautiful for the animals who lived there. What they didn’t know was the password to get into this forest.

Each animal that came was asked: What was it like where you came from?” If the animal answered: “It was terrible.” The owl would say: “It’s the same here. Terrible place, the animals are unkind to each other, there’s very little food and water. You’d better go back to your old forest.” And the owl wouldn’t let them in.

If the animal answered: “The forest where I lived was a beautiful place…” The wise old owl would answer: “Well you’re going to like it here. That’s exactly what it’s like in this forest. Would you like to enter?”

What’s the difference? Attitude. This story reminds us that when we complain about a situation we get locked into that very situation by our own words. In the same way when we appreciate our situation, we get a better one.

1. Every morning when you awake, before you go rushing off into the day, take a few minutes to think about what’s good in your life e.g. your health, the people you love, people who love you etc.

2. Every day find something and or things to be grateful for. Feeling gratitude lifts your spirits.

3. Express appreciation to those close to you. Notice when they do something right and tell them about it. You will feel better about yourself too!

4. End your day reflecting on all that’s good in your life. It’ll help you sleep better and give you peaceful feelings.

Try these exercises for the next 90 days.

2 thoughts on “How Can I Develop a Positive Attitude?”

  1. Hello Fellow Blogger, I am commenting from Kalgoorlie-Boulder Australia. We have had a lot of flooding the last few months and I’ve only just been able to get on to the interwebs Thanks so much for the useful blog. It inspired me a lot with my TAFE social studies assignment. God Bless the internet !

    1. Thanks for connecting from down under Maude! How are you? I trust things are settling down after the floods! My pleasure. I’m glad you found the blog helpful for your social studies assignment! Indeed, what a blessing it is allowing us to connect from all the way across the world:)

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